Universität Bonn

Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät


PhenoRob | Graduate talk
01.03.2024 von 10:00 bis 11:00

We are pleased to invite you to our Graduate Talk Series. The event will take place via Zoom. Please feel free to share this invitation within your networks.

PhenoRob | Graduate talk
21.06.2024 von 10:00 bis 11:00

We are pleased to invite you to our PhenoRob Online Talk Series. The event will take place via Zoom. This talk addresses also undergraduate students. Please feel free to share this invitation within your own networks!

Workshop for PostDocs | Time and career management for scientists
30.08.2024 von 09:00 bis 11:30

Every week has 7 days, 168 hours or 10080 minutes… a lot of time to do a lot of things! Still, many of us suffer from the feeling of always having too little of it. You might not think about how you want to spend it and how to distribute it between your career, family, friends and hobbies. These are also no easy questions with answers to be found in a textbook – the ‘ideal schedule’ is simply too different from one person to the other. During this online workshop, we will analyse the individual schedules of the week and provide tools and ideas to make the best use of your time investment. Furthermore, we will discuss how to balance science and life in different contexts and plan your days in a flexible work environment. The aim is not only to work more efficiently and reduce personal stress, but also to be more satisfied and successful in your career and personal life.

Workshop for PostDocs | Time and career management for scientists
13.09.2024 von 09:00 bis 11:30

Every week has 7 days, 168 hours or 10080 minutes… a lot of time to do a lot of things! Still, many of us suffer from the feeling of always having too little of it. You might not think about how you want to spend it and how to distribute it between your career, family, friends and hobbies. These are also no easy questions with answers to be found in a textbook – the ‘ideal schedule’ is simply too different from one person to the other. During this online workshop, we will analyse the individual schedules of the week and provide tools and ideas to make the best use of your time investment. Furthermore, we will discuss how to balance science and life in different contexts and plan your days in a flexible work environment. The aim is not only to work more efficiently and reduce personal stress, but also to be more satisfied and successful in your career and personal life.

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